Hyperrealistic paintings of fruit based on live observation and photographs. Acrylic and oil on canvas paper, fall 2018.

Fruit Mandalas

A joint installation inspired by Alonsa Guevara.

Hyperrealistic paintings of fruit based on live observation and photographs. Acrylic and oil on canvas paper, fall 2018.

Hyperrealistic paintings of fruit based on live observation and photographs. Acrylic and oil on canvas paper, fall 2018.

 This installation was curated in collaboration with four other students in my Advanced Art Portfolio class: Daniela Clejan ‘20, Laura Hart ‘20, Jacqueline Rice ‘20, Julia Willett ‘20.

This installation was curated in collaboration with four other students in my Advanced Art Portfolio class: Daniela Clejan ‘20, Laura Hart ‘20, Jacqueline Rice ‘20, Julia Willett ‘20.
